We are already a month into 2021, and I’ve had a question that's been on my mind for awhile. Are you living life as an adventure, or are you just getting by day to day? I have to admit I do both. But my hope and my heart is to live a daily life of adventure with Jesus. There's a podcast I listen to called Adventures with Jesus, and it reminds me that every single day is a gift and an opportunity to spend it with our Lord. So let me ask you again, are you just getting by, or are you taking every opportunity to be adventurous? Sometimes I have people tell me, “I wish I had your talent for art,” or “That's so awesome you're writing books… I could never do that.” To be honest, God has given me gifts, but I have no secret, amazing talents. Instead, I am willing to take on the adventure--the adventure of trying different art mediums and putting my work out there for others to see…the adventure of trying to write cozy mysteries…the adventure of telling people about Jesus. Did you know it only takes about 20 seconds of crazy boldness to do something you never thought you could? I'm not talking about the hours and hours it takes to create a masterpiece or to learn a new skill. That's not where the adventure is. You can do that behind closed doors. I'm talking about pushing “Publish” or “Share” or saying, “Hey friend, do you know Jesus?” I'm guilty of missing opportunities—many of them, in fact. I’m aiming to have more 20 second crazy boldness and less Just making it by ‘til Jesus comes. Will 2021 be your year? Will you allow yourself 20 seconds of boldness every day? What is it that you wish you could do or want to do, but you just don't think you have the skill or the courage? It's time for a radical adventure! I would love to hear what your adventure will be.
Share with us in the comments, so we can encourage each other and hold each other accountable!
AuthorIt's never a dull moment around Sherry's Cabin! Grab a glass of tea, pull up a chair, and let's share a story. Archives
January 2025